Tomasz Madajczak
Thought Space
The Thought Space was initially created in 1999 in a lecturing room of the University of Fine Arts in Poznań, Poland. The work consisted of words written through out the whole space in a duration of seven days from morning till night. The objective of the work was to look at the mind, observing the changes in the body during continuous verbal articulation of thoughts. The stream of consciousness was influenced by changes in the surrounding environment and within the inner space of the body. The words reflected those changes and created a dimension of a flowing text.
Thought Space 2020 created during the Mothertongues festival in RuaRed gallery in Tallagh, Dublin, Ireland.
Thought Space 2020 was created in the RuaRed gallery, Dublin, during the Mothertongues festival. The work involved performative interactions with the public, while writing the stream of consciousness for the duration of three days. The text was inspired by the observations of the changes in the body and the interactions with the surrounding environment.
© Tomasz Madajczak